
Healthcare Pre Surgery BOT


Healthcare Pre Surgery BOT

The Healthcare facility needed an automated process for pre-surgery screening of Patients and for filling forms and questionnaire before a visit to the hospital. The clinicians needed to free up their staff from the activities that can be taken up by the current technology that is available. The process needed to be simple to use so that it could be utilised by patients in a wide age group. Additionally the process has to cater to the abilities of differently abled patients.

In discussion with our solutions team that is experienced in Healthcare technologies, we decided to create a Conversational IVR (Interactive Voice Response) BOT (Automated Program) that will dial the scheduled patients phone number to connect with them over normal phone calls for collecting the patients responses to the questionnaires. Speech recognition using AI gives the BOT the ability to capture the Patients responses. AI algorithms decided on false inputs or unacceptable answers based on which the BOT can decide to instead conduct the questionnaire via Text Message or even escalate to standard clinical staff.

We created the BOT application in Dot Net Core 3.1 and AWS (Amazon Web Services). Amazon Lex is the Bot Engine that we used to create the VoiceBot functionality of text to speech to deliver our questionnaire and the Text to Speech to convert the Patients speech to text and then process them as commands. Amazon Lex uses the same technology that powers Alexa. Amazon Connect is the Telephony and Bot Gateway that is used in the project to connect the Bot to ththe phone network to enable our Bot to send and receive voice calls.

Overall the Bot has been a successful project. In the next phase we are extending its functionality by adding Text Message functionality to run the questionnaire.

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